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PHP Social Network Platform v1.5 – CodeCanyon

PHP Social Network Platform v1.5 – CodeCanyon

Our PHP Social Network script is similar with Twitter, allowing you to keep in touch with your friends, @mention them, create #hashtags, send messages (tweets) in real-time, receive automatic notifications upon new mentions and new messages, the script is responsive too (native application style on mobile devices), modern (metro) clean design, and so much more… view the features:

User Features:
Real-time messaging system.
Me, Mentions & Profile personal pages (like Twitter).
Automatic notifications on Me & Mentions Page upon new messages/mentions.
Neat animations on reply/message, with notifications on actions.
Real-time time stamps update.
Gravatar integration with the possibility to manually upload a profile picture.
Follow/Unfollow friends.
@mention users and friends.
Create new #hashtags and search for new topics.
Search for friends.
View other users profile, view their followings/followers & more.
Delete your own messages.
View the latest users that talks about a certain #hashtag (topic).
Report offending messages (tweets).
Users can set their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ profiles.
Cross-Browser compatible with mobile design too (responsive).

Script/Admin Features:
View/Delete registerd users.
Set the Message (Tweet) length (e.g: 140 characters).
reCaptcha integration with On/Off possibility.
Modify the Time-Stamps format (4 types).
Mail users on registration with On/Off possibility.
Message Notifications (time interval when to check for new mentions/messages and send the notification to user).
Set the max. allowed image size for user’s profile.
Image file format allowed on user’s profile.
Image file format allowed on user’s profile.
Option to censor words.
Manage reported messages (tweets).
Two ad-units boxes that can contain html content.
API to retrieve user profile details



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1 komentar:

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